Bhishma Panchak Fasting: Significance in Human Life

      Bhishma Panchak fast is undertaken in Kartik Shukla Ekadashi to Purnima, it lasts for five days 11th to 15th onwards. Just like Bhisham Pitamaha's vow not to marry, this fast known as Bhisham Panchak is a very hard one. This fast is undertaken to get rid of sins committed and to become religious, prosperous, progressive in business and for ultimate salvation. In these days of fast, worship is done in front of an altar with four doors. The wording "Aum Namah Bhagavata Vasudevaya" viz. I salute the great God Vasudeva (Krishna). A light is lit in front of the altar for all five days (11-15th), Havan (fire sacrifice) is done every day. By sacrificing anger, cohabitation, greed, etc., one should observe abstinence, kindness, pardon and generosity. Different kinds of flowers: Lotus, Bilva leaves, Ketaki flowers, Chameli flowers and finally by Tulsi sprouts, are used for worship on five days of the fast.

Sri Krishna (Vasu Deva) has described this fast as the destroyer of all sins and awardee of imperishable results of bliss. In the Mahabharata, when Bhishma Pitamaha, lying on the bed of arrows, was waiting for last breath, to be breathed out at sunset, Krishna along with five Pandava brothers, went to see him. On an opportune moment, Yudhisthira (the eldest Pandav brother) requested Bhishma for some advice. Then Bhishma gave a discourse on the importance of King's duties, policies, castes and salvation. Krishna contented with his lesson said, "Pitamaha, the sermon you gave, during Kartik Shukla Ekadashi to Purnima, has pleased me much. So I give this fast a name after you viz.: Bhishma Panchak."
Bhishma Panchak

      Sri Krishna (Vasu Deva) has described this fast as the destroyer of all sins and awardee of imperishable results of bliss. In the Mahabharata, when Bhishma Pitamaha, lying on the bed of arrows, was waiting for last breath, to be breathed out at sunset, Krishna along with five Pandava brothers, went to see him. On an opportune moment, Yudhisthira (the eldest Pandav brother) requested Bhishma for some advice. Then Bhishma gave a discourse on the importance of King's duties, policies, castes and salvation. Krishna contented with his lesson said, "Pitamaha, the
sermon you gave, during Kartik Shukla Ekadashi to Purnima, has pleased me much. So I give this fast a name after you viz.: Bhishma Panchak."

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