Naraka Chaturdashi: Festival Celebration and Significance

      Naraka Chaturdashi festival is also known as Minor Diwali (Choti Diwali) or Naraka Chaudas. It is celebrated one day prior to Diwali (Kartik Amavasya). On this night Hanuman, the son of Anjana, the divine son of the god of air (Pavan) was born. So it is also observed as Hanuman Jayanti. This festival is observed since the day lord Krishna killed the demon Narkasur.

      Narkasur was a very powerful demon king, who had a big army. He over powered every other king and imprisoned them with their queens. His terror was so much that even the gods were frightened. The earth trembled and the life had become miserable.

Krishna appeared, massacred Narkasur, released the kings and queens, who in remembrance and reverence of lord Krishna ordered illumination in their domains, on this day. This day is observed as Naraka Chaturdashi and Hanuman Jayanti, since then.
Naraka Chaturdashi

      To counter act this terrorism, Vishnu incarnated as Krishna, so as to end these demoniac cruelties. Krishna appeared, massacred Narkasur, released the kings and queens, who in remembrance and reverence of lord Krishna ordered illumination in their domains, on this day. This day is observed as Naraka Chaturdashi and Hanuman Jayanti, since then.

      Naraka Chaturdashi festival is also the day of worship of Yama, the god of death. So after oil massage and bath in early morning (before sunrise), gratification should be shown to him. After that offer handful of water three times to Bhishma Pitamaha of Mahabharata. According to Hindu scriptures, libation to the ancestors should be offered particularly by those whose fathers are alive. This is the only day in the whole year when a son with a living father can offer libations and water to the ancestors, which is very pleasing to them and the fear of death vanishes.

      In the evening, burn four lights in reverence to Yama and then other lamps are lit. The lamps lit in name of Yama make year long good deeds in the household permanent, failing which there may be obstacles in life. The system of burning lights commences with the thirteenth of Kartik Krishna Paksha and ends on the fifteenth (Amavasya), these three days are said to be the three when Vishnu incarnation Vaman, in three steps covered the whole heaven land and netherlarnd. After burning lights for Yama, at night worship of Hanuman should be performed. Hanuman is the lord of eight supernatural powers (Siddhi) and nine treasures (Nidhi). He is the incarnation of peril destroyer Sankara (Shiva). He is the son of Pavan (God of air) and an attendant of Rama. He is the form of Virtue, the lord of wisdom a power. His very birth was for the protection of saints and for the destruction of demons. By his worship, one gets his all ambitions fulfilled. Hanuman worship can be done in any temple, in the house before his image, on which oil and vermilion should be rubbed and invoked with the offering of whatever little, you have. Sunder Kaand of Valmiki's Ramayana, which contains the importance of Hanuman should be recited everyday to be healthy and wealthy. Naraka Chaturdashi is a festival of worship of Yama, Krishna, Bhishma Pitamaha and Hanuman.

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