Narasimha Jayanti: Celebrations, Story and Significance

      Narasimha Jayanti observed on Vaishakh Shukla Fourth tithi to revered Lord Narasimha, 4th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. This Vishnu incarnated in order to keep up the honour and devotional respect of devotee Prahlad. There is a mention of Narasimha avatar in the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and in latter works of all philosophical schools.

      The fast on this day is undertaken by all men and women. After bath and purification, Vedic hymns are enchanted, Narasimha image is worshipped after donation and alms. At sunset arti is done in the temple. The blissful award of this fast is freedom from earthly difficulties.

Hiranyakashipu struck his sword on the pillar; which tumbled down and under a thunderous uproar, Narasimha avatar appeared, who had half body of a man and half of a lion, picked up Hiranyakashipu on his knees, put him on the threshold, tore open his stomach with nails, and put an end to Hiranyakashipu life.
Narasimha Avatar

      Kashyap had two wives Aditi and Diti. Aditi was the mother of gods and Diti, the mother of two sons, Hiranyakash and Hiranyakashipu. The former was a cruel ruler, whom Varaha incarnation killed, the latter in order to take revenge underwent severe austerities and obtained a boon from Brahma (details under Holi festival), by virtue of which he could not be killed by any man or animal in day or night inside or outside, by arms or by scriptures.

      Hiranyakashipu did not want his son Prahalad to undertake devotion and Bhakti to God, but Prahlad did not abstain. On the fourth of Baisakh Shukla, when Prahlad was lost in his meditation; Hiranyakashipu pulled his sword and jumped on Prahlad saying, "You as my son adore my enemy. I will kill you now, call your god to save you." Prahlad said, "My respected father, God is omnipresent in you and in me; in your sword and in this lifeless pillar." Outraged Hiranyakashipu struck his sword on the pillar; which tumbled down and under a thunderous uproar, Narasimha avatar appeared, who had half body of a man and half of a lion, picked up Hiranyakashipu on his knees, put him on the threshold, tore open his stomach with nails, and put an end to Hiranyakashipu life.

      Prahlad's devotion is quoted, honoured at every occasion. This legend gives a moral lesson that when hatred develops in the mind of an individual towards pious souls, he will perish before long and that when the demon seeks to harm his bright souled son (Prahlad), he (Hiranyakashipu) will be slain.

      Prahlad was a gifted child, who because of divine grace, had no carving for material objects, since he looked upon them as unreal. He had thoroughly conquered his desires, had relinquished the characteristics of parental demon and had become a votary of the lord. 

      Greater importance is given by devotees to this divine incarnation due to various reasons. It was the briefest in terms of duration, as the lord waiting for the appropriate time, emerged, completed the task very quickly, listened to the praise showered on Him and went back to his abode.

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