Vamana Jayanti: Festival Significance and Celebration

      Vamana Jayanti on Bhadrapad Shukla Dwadashi tithi is the day when Lord Vishnu appears as Vamana incarnation. This festival is celebrated by observing a fast and night watch invoking Vamana avatar and offering 52 sweets, donations and alms.

      Once Gods and demons performed the churning of the Kshir ocean. Amrit, the immortal juice erupted and came to the hands of the demons. The demons, overjoyed with power, invaded gods and gained control of all the three worlds. Vali became the king of the heaven. The priest of the demons Shukracharya, started performing Ashvamedha Yagna, to establish Vali as the king of the whole world.

Vali was enchanted by the look of the graceful Brahmachari yogi and asked him if he could be of any service to him (Vamana). The latter said, "I am a poor Brahmin and do not need, anything, but still if you wish to give me a place for shelter, then give me three paces of land. Shukracharya, by virtue of his spiritual inner conscience and religious Maya powers recognized Vamana incarnation and advised Vali not to give the boon, but Vali could not go back on his promise. So he asked the Brahmin to measure three paces. Simultaneously Vamana transformed himself into a gigantic form and in three steps measure the whole heaven, land and netherland. Thus Gods regained total control of the whole universe and the demons lost.
Vamana Avatar

      Defeated Gods, through their parents Kashyap and Aditi, invoked God Vishnu, who incarnated as Vamana. This personified form, looking like a poor yogi, with a kamandal (water jug) and wearing a deer skin, reached the yagna on the 100th (last day) of the yagna. Vali had a generous nature and never refused alms to anyone; Vamana (Vishnu) took advantage of this.

      Vali was enchanted by the look of the graceful Brahmachari yogi and asked him if he could be of any service to him (Vamana). The latter said, "I am a poor Brahmin and do not need, anything, but still if you wish to give me a place for shelter, then give me three paces of land. Shukracharya, by virtue of his spiritual inner conscience and religious Maya powers recognized Vamana incarnation and advised Vali not to give the boon, but Vali could not go back on his promise. So he asked the Brahmin to measure three paces. Simultaneously Vamana transformed himself into a gigantic form and in three steps measure the whole heaven, land and netherland. Thus Gods regained total control of the whole universe and the demons lost.

      The devotees observed a fast on the day of Vamana Jayanti; gave a golden image of Vamana, to a Brahmin in charity and to blessed with a children, as they desired.

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