What are The Major Sects in Hinduism?

      Every time one talk about Hinduism, statement like 'Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life, having multiple beliefs, customs and traditions' keep coming back in one or the other form. Hinduism indeed is a Conglomeration of many intertwined mix of smaller religious groups where each member group believes in some shared concepts along with many unique traditions, beliefs and practices. Some differences have been there since ever while many variations developed over a period of time. For almost over last two thousand years, sectarianism has been an integral part of culture at Indian subcontinent.

Every time one talk about Hinduism, statement like 'Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life, having multiple beliefs, customs and traditions' keep coming back in one or the other form. Hinduism indeed is a Conglomeration of many intertwined mix of smaller religious groups where each member group believes in some shared concepts along with many unique traditions, beliefs and practices. Some differences have been there since ever while many variations developed over a period of time. For almost over last two thousand years, sectarianism has been an integral part of culture at Indian subcontinent.
Major Sects in Hinduism

      Yes, Hinduism has many sects within its fold. But the great thing about Hinduism is that all sects coexist with complete harmony with each other and there is complete acceptance of others beliefs and traditions. Most are expected to have heard Hinduism being referred as "Unity in Diversity". But study of Hindu sects and their extremely tangent traditions will help seeing that diversity unity discussion in a new light. These sects are quite different from each other but have comfortably remained under this big umbrella of Hinduism without any history of violent confrontation that is so common with other popular religions of our times. It is again to the credit of all pervading inclusive approach embedded in Hinduism with deep roots that even sharply dividing identity of separate sects has not erected any walls. This is the strength and true meaning of "Unity in Diversity".

      Rig-Veda has a very famous line "Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudha Vadanti" which translates to 'Truth is one; sages call it by various names'. This saying truly represents Sects of Hinduism. It is very liberal, tolerant, flexible and catholic in its views and traditions. Different sects of Hinduism are just like different gemstones of a single ornament called Hinduism. It is said that there are various types of minds and temperaments. If so, there is a need for different types of faiths. This open-minded acceptance of every kind of faith in God is but a cardinal tenet of Hinduism. Many of us would have heard Krishna telling Arjuna in Gita:

"Howsoever Men approach me, even so I do welcome them. For the path taken by Men from every side is mine."

      Normally; the meaning of Sect and Cult are not very far but of late, the cult is believed to denote a much narrow view where there is intolerance for every person outside the cult. We must understand that Hinduism never had any problem among the followers of different cults. They have grown peacefully intertwined with each. Basically the beginning and end destination of the journey are identical among all Hindu sects. All one can find are some difference of opinions about the way to reach that commonly shared destination. Their paths cross each other almost regularly and they share many resting places and shelters on the way. So, study of sects in Hinduism is but an academic exercise. Sectarianism has been initiated around the turn of BC CE time period as evidences are found suggesting that 2nd Century CE onwards all the kings in large part of subcontinent had started following one or the other popular sects.

      Traditionally, Hinduism is said to have five sects namely Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism, Brahmanism and Tantrism but in modern time that will not be enough because it is not possible to segregate and identify every Hindu strictly identified with any one of them. Over the period, larger proportion of Hindus have broken the walls built around their sects and have embraced a much wider, all-inclusive pluralism. Let us call this new category as the "Popular Hindu Sect". Today, by far, Popular Hinduism has more followers than all other sects combined. Followers here believe in best of all practices from all sects and worship many Gods all at once. For them, individual God is nothing but a specific manifestation of the Almighty and they don't believe in any one of them being superior or inferior to other.

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