Essence of Tantric Mysticism in Human Life

"Victory breeds hatred; the defeated live in pain. The peaceful live happily giving up victory and defeat." Gautam Buddha

      Tantra and Buddhist mysticism boldly proclaim that this whole universe is our own, and that to be happy within it is our birthright! Yet most of us do not actualize our potential for happiness. Buddhist spiritual philosophy says we have an unlimited potential for bliss (Ananda): in fact, that is the hallmark of our consciousness. Ananda or bliss is the very basis of our existence! Tantra and Buddhism offer some of the sharpest insights about the art of bliss and happiness. The lessons here we provide are a distillation of those timeless teachings, with insights for overcoming tough times and difficult circumstances in the modern age. It presents the mula (root) mystical principles of Tantra and Buddhism in a condensed manner. From the Tantra point of view, successful living and happiness are not something just to be enjoyed individually within ourselves, but are also something to be shared. In fact, our ability to share success and happiness is unlimited, without measure! And in many ways, that is the whole basis of these mystical philosophies: the idea is to share those keys for happiness which have been contained in the Tantras and Buddhist texts in a manner which is free of jargon yet goes to the very heart of mysticism. Which penetrates into the very heart of spiritual philosophy! And in that way, reconnect with our inner sources of wisdom, our innermost capacities to be ecstatic and energetic: in life, at work, in our relationships, etc.

From the Tantra point of view, successful living and happiness are not something just to be enjoyed individually within ourselves, but are also something to be shared. In fact, our ability to share success and happiness is unlimited, without measure! And in many ways, that is the whole basis of these mystical philosophies: the idea is to share those keys for happiness which have been contained in the Tantras and Buddhist texts in a manner which is free of jargon yet goes to the very heart of mysticism. Which penetrates into the very heart of spiritual philosophy! And in that way, reconnect with our inner sources of wisdom, our innermost capacities to be ecstatic and energetic: in life, at work, in our relationships, etc.
Tantric Mysticism

      Ultimately, Tantra, Buddhism, and Hinduism all teach that life is a celebration of the cosmos, a divine play (leela) that goes on and on in cycles. All we need is to tap into the inner guide within ourselves in order to be able to partake more fully in this divine playfulness! The inner guide of our own consciousness takes us to a place of great silent ecstasy; and that silent ecstasy is the very fount of all spiritual longing. And of all fulfillment and successful living.

      Tantrism is not just about how to overcome life's many challenges and crises, but rather about successful living in totality. It is about realizing life to be a wholeness, an inexhaustible part of universal divinity, within which we can realize the beauty and poetry of existing on this beautiful planet Earth. But also, at the same time, feel connected to that eternal, absolute, and ultimate power, which lies beyond all material things. And which can be felt as the echo of bliss within the heart!

      All creativity and capacity for higher achievement (orpotential-realization) is a product of the happiness we feel in life. The humble effort of Tantrism is to help bring this quality of happiness, ecstasy, and bliss more and more into the practical lives of people. It is the ultimate teaching of ancient Tantra and Buddhist philosophy, and also its most accessible part. It is all about changing life's perspective from the lower to the higher, from the ordinary to the extraordinary. And all this happens when spiritual happiness arises within you. The principles within the book are simply a catalyst to help make that happen.

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