Live Spontaneously Through Tantra Sadhana

"Have a mind that is open to everything, and attached to nothing." Tilopa's Mahamudra Teachings

      Buddhism especially the Tantric Mahamuda of Tibet and the Zen of Japan-teaches that spontaneous living makes us strong. This idea echoes throughout core Tantric and esoteric Buddhist teachings. It is the very essence of the Tantric Mahasiddha traditions of both India and Tibet.

Buddhism especially the Tantric Mahamuda of Tibet and the Zen of Japan-teaches that spontaneous living makes us strong. This idea echoes throughout core Tantric and esoteric Buddhist teachings. It is the very essence of the Tantric Mahasiddha traditions of both India and Tibet.
Spontaneous Living Through Tantra

      Eventually, all of Tantra - whether that of ancient Kashmiri Tantra, the Vamachara Tantra of eastern India, or the Vajrayana of Tibet is based upon creating spontaneous, blissful energy within you. All of life is in fact looked at in the Tantric vision as a great cosmic interplay of energy: the idea being that out energy should ideally be dynamic yet relaxed, detached yet loving, bold yet blissful. Tantra says you are, in your basic reality, simply a pure witnessing energy of blissful consciousness. Understanding this, feel free, happy, relaxed, unforced, natural, and effortless in all things. This is the fundamental Tantra attitude. In Tantra, our realization of ananda or self-bliss itself is the true worship or prayer, for that is the nature of the Divine.

      Tilopa, the great master of the Mahamudra Tantra of India and Tibet taught: Don't recall, Don't imagine, Don't think, Don't examine, Don't control, Rest. This is the world's clearest teaching about living with a meditative energy that is completely spontaneous, naturally joyous, and effortlessly dynamic. It enables us to react with our greatest intuition, insight, courage, mental clarity, wisdom, inner power, strength, and swiftness during tough times. It is the golden spiritual rule - intense and fiery for facing life's challenges. You 'rest' within the greater power of deep consciousness, and the correct response to the situation comes out of that. Rest does not mean non-action; quite the opposite. lt implies cutting away the unnecessary anxious thoughts, and being established in one's highest and purest state of blissful being. By letting go completely of the mind's fears, one's consciousness and energy become crystal-clear to act dynamically. So doing, a spontaneous light shines on the road ahead, guiding you.

      In fact, the Tantra of ancient Bengal says that in all our impulses and actions - be it prayer or meditation, or even the sexual act, intercourse, orgasm - our energy must be free, unbounded, and as spontaneous as the vast cosmic energy. This idea is found reflected in all Tantric symbolism: whether in the erotic temple sculptures of Khajuraho, or the 'Yab-Yum' depictions of sexual union in Tibetan Tantra. It forms the basis of the female-male Tantric symbols in union: Shakti (pure energy) and Shiva (pure consciousness) of India, as well as the idea of the Yin-Yang energies in Tantra-inspired Taoism (the meeting of the polar energies of 'female' and 'male' being the main metaphor for both Tantra and Taoism).

Tantric Keys and Secrets

      Tantra is in a way the worship of pure cosmic energy (Shakti) itself. This is key to understanding Tantra. At a ritualistic level the practice is called Shakti Sadhana in the ancient Tantra of the Indian sub-continent. All the occultic or esoteric symbols we associate with Indian and Tibetan Tantra - the mystic third eye' located between the eyebrows, the 'serpent power' or Kundalini energy at the base of the spine, the meeting of the feminine and masculine mystic powers (together called Ardhanarishwara in Indian Tantra) at the agya chakra or pineal gland area, etc. are essentially about awakening our highest energies!

      Tantra means spontaneous energization and expansion of the self. All Tantric practices: Mahamudra, Dzogchen, Kundalini imply spontaneous energization of our beings, allowing us to attain union with the highest universal energies. This idea is echoed not only in Buddhist Tantra and Hindu Tantra, but also on lesser-known paths such as Jain Tantra.

      In fact, it is written in the old Buddhist Tantra scriptures that Gautam Buddha had himself attained complete enlightenment by these energization practices in the company of his beloved partner Yashodhara, before he left the palace! Hence, this implies that the secret teachings of Tantra were not for everyone: he taught a more 'moral' way to others after leaving his palace. This idea is also echoed in great Tantric sacred texts such as the Guhyasamaja Tantra.

      Whether we look at the core Buddhist Tantra scriptures, or the deepest Hindu ones such as the Tantraraja Tantra, we would find the recurrence of certain key themes that form part of the secretive aspects of Tantra:

      a. The insistence is upon absolute fearlessness (virya) in awakening our highest spontaneous energies, even in the face of death or difficulties.

      b. Tantra uses secretive coded language or sandhya-bhasha that at an outward level talks about various rituals such as pujas (for example chakra puja and deity or goddess worship), but inwardly implies energization.

      c. Tantrics on various paths - Vajrayana, Kaula, Mantra Marga, Vamamarga or Chin Achara, Aghora, etc. - are connected by the idea of universal love. This means the quality of love being manifested within is the real thing, and not the typically moralistic expressions of organized religions (that often preach love but create more conflict). Tantra teaches that even in the act of physical love-making, the real thing is being loving towards the whole cosmos, and not just the individual.

      d. Elements of the oldest mystic paths such as the Bon of Tibet and the Natha traditions of India - find expression in the later ritualized Tantra of both Buddhism and Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma), respectively.

      e. Tantra is fundamentally about attaining cosmic consciousness by the transformation of our human consciousness. Because it is primarily about consciousness and not 'religion' as such the deepest minds such as Jung and others have been drawn to it in modern times too.

      f. Being content, carefree, happy, free from complexes about the body of mind, and thereby being loving and compassionate, is the biggest key to self-power and Tantric empowerment. Behind all the Tantric Scriptures you would find this truth (whether expressed by the great Tantric Naropa, or Sri Ramakrishna, or the British-Indian Tantric John Woodroffe, or the composer of the Tantrasaara, Abhinavgupta, or Shantideva).

Being Spontaneously Free, Relaxed, and Practising Joyful Loving

      At the heart of Tantra is the concept of one's energy being in a state of let-go: non-clinging, boundless, and spontaneously free! This allows cosmic joy and universal love to fill your being, relaxing you from within. Being transformed from low-energy states to spontaneously high-energy states is Tantra: where you feel fulfilled at all three layers of being ie. mind, body, and soul. Tantra implies inner cleansing, inner happiness and bliss, a state where your energies are released and are spontaneously expressed with all their natural power. The person of Tantra drops all the darkness of fear because now she or he is able to see the divine light within the self. One's view of oneself and that of the whole universe becomes spiritualised through the Tantra attitude, the Tantra way of looking at things. Hence, Tantra implies an attitude: a way of perceiving life to be a complete expansion of being, beyond worries and tensions. Being open, natural, and spontaneous is the main thing; in fact, the ritualistic portion of Tantra is not as important as this feeling of spontaneous openness. The hidden dimension of your inner energies and powers is Tantra in essence.

      Spontaneity creates the ability to think, ideate, and act fast during crisis situations of all sorts. It is the key to fearless, natural, and balanced dynamism when faced with any sott of adversity or tough situation. The way of the greatest Tantrics - including Virupa, Tilopa, Abhinavgupta, Vasugupta, Marpa, and Milarepa was the way of inner spontaneity. It leads to the state of samatha or deep insightful calmness, joy, plus clarity and inwardly active playfulness, activating the unlimited powers of one's being. It unlocks one's higher powers of courage, self-realization, and cosmic realization.

      The teaching of spontaneity is key to the highest Tantra teachings of India and Tibet, including Mahamudra Tantra, Dzogchen, Rigpa, and other tantric paths. Spontaneity is meant to take us to enlightened wisdom (the Great Perfection) in both consciousness and dynamic action. Tantra is, eventually, both a spiritual path as well as a means to creating wisdom for living in the material world, overcoming all odds and situations. The abiding lessons of the great Tilopa and Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava), the greatest Tantric wizard, attest to this. The teachings of the greatest Tantrics such as Tilopa and Guru Padmasambhava are universal and timeless (Guru Padmasambhava seems to have also presaged modern-day flight and automotive travel, in his cryptic comment, When the iron bird flies and horses run on wheels, the dharma will travel).

Being Strong at the Roots

      The idea of spontaneity, the way of Swacchandata, is the very basis of both deeper Buddhism and Tantra. The attitude of spontaneity is a deep wisdom key to decisive thought, empowered behaviour, and decisive action. When you live spontaneously, you become very strong at your toots: undisturbed, calm, intuitive, meditative, able to deal with all sorts of situations in a much more mature and evolved manner. That is the best way to deal with challenging times, with tough times. You see, the whole idea is this: being spontaneous, you come out of the trap of the mental domain, the domain of thoughts which keeps thinking about the past and the future.

      Spontaneous living means living in the moment. Therefore, it means being dynamic in your being, being flexible in your being, having a perception that you are not bound by the past or future, but only by the spontaneous behavior which you are exhibiting in the present moment. Your natural low of being becomes blocked when you think in terms of time, when you think in terms of past and future. Simply be spontaneous, let yourself expand into the present moment. Don't feel locked in by future results. That way; you become mentally freer. This is a very fundamental thing when it comes to dealing with tough times. You see, the main thing about challenges and crisis moments is that they make us afraid for the future. We don't know what will happen in the future. Uncertainty is the greatest problem as far as the mind goes. And specially in our life of today. Look at our urban life - one thing after the other keeps occupying our minds: our job, our relationships personally, our relationships at work, environment and air quality, any crisis regarding economics and so on. Life has become much more complex.

      But the whole way of Buddhism and the whole way of Tantra is to feel such a harmony within yourself that there is a heartfelt spontaneity and communication between yourself and the greater universe. You are to dwell in spontaneous timelessness! That is the vision of Buddhism and Tantra. It means that you are to look at your life as being beyond space and beyond time. There is something far more valuable in you and in your life than achieving and accomplishing material tasks. Begin by looking at life with an intuitive attitude. And that implies simply looking at life in a more meditative way. Your life is much more than the sum activities of your work, or your relationships. Your life has got to do with the harmony, within your inner energy. If your inner energy is at peace, if your inner energy is spontaneous, then all your outer energies also will work in co-ordination with patience, with calmness, and good results are bound to follow in your life.

Begin with the Internal

      So begin with the inside, begin with the internal; that is the entire idea of Tantra and Buddhism. It is to make you realize the centre of your existence. It is to make you come back to that divinity of yourself which is the source and fountainhead of your being itself. Be involved with your inner being; outer things will take care of themselves. You see, great people, people who are able to innovate, people who are able to lead others out of crisis situations, people who exhibit genius ability in their life, have this ability to flow with spontaneity into whatever work they are doing, into whatever activity they are doing. That is how they make breakthroughs in life. Spontaneity means functioning with great intuitiveness, being able to function with a higher consciousness than others.

      Yes, if you want to be mediocre, be like everybody else; just like everybody else is running in the rat race, you too can run in the tat tace frantic, frustrated, anxious all the time. Else, be like the sages, be like the Buddhas, be like the Rishis, be like great innovators and geniuses like Albert Einstein, Bach, Ramanujan, and so on. All these great people lived calmly and spontaneously. And through that, they became great. So greatness itself implies this inner dance of consciousness within a spontaneous space. That is true wisdom. And you can look at this principle in any aspect of life. Look at it in leadership terms; look at the persona of an Abraham Lincoln. He was very calm and spontaneous in his leadership attitude. Same way, you can look at Nelson Mandela. He comes across as a very spontaneous and calm person in life. Such people are able to have a broader vision of life. They live in a broader sense of time, and not just in a state of mental imprisonment to their thoughts of anxiety and so on.

Mental Freedom

      Ultimately, spirituality and mysticism are all about mental freedom! And mental freedom is the crux of spontaneous living. Mental freedom from what has happened in the past and mental freedom from what will happen in the future - this is the crux of all spirituality. You can look at all spiritual texts such as the Bhagavad Gita. Krishna is telling Arjun to forget about the results that will follow from the war. Similarly, you can look at the Taoism of China. It also talks about moving away from expectation in the future. And Zen Buddhism, most of all, has this point of view. And, of course, when it comes to Tantra, the Mahamudra teachings echo this idea of spontaneity the most. The Mahamudra teachings of Tantra are the bridge between the old Tantra of India and the Buddhist Tantra of Tibet. It is all about being spontaneous, all about being sahaj, all about being free of thoughts, free of ideation within the mind and living just like a normal, natural flow of water; being able to be flexible enough to it any situation. Then only do the sources of divine energy within you become activated more and more in your life. Then only do you move towards towards greater harmony, harmony, towards greater bliss.

      The whole ability to deal with crisis and to deal with challenges in life is to find harmony within yourself. If there is inner harmony, then there is hope of outer harmony. If there is no inner harmony, what hope can you have for outer harmony?

      Our material limitations are not as important as our limitations of: consciousness. If your consciousness is able to go beyond the anxiety of thoughts, then it becomes free to expand in a very valuable way. Then it becomes light, spontaneous, free, and tremendously dynamic. Eventually, everything has to do with consciousness or Chitta. That is the fundamental basis of Buddhism and of Tantra. When the consciousness is spontaneous, then only do you attain higher energy. Otherwise, your energy is caught in lower thoughts, lower frustrations, lower anxieties and fears. Your energy is not free to move fearlessly. And when your energy is fearful of what is to come, then how can you act with dynamism?

The Energy Within

      Overcoming tough times and overcoming challenges all has to do with a feeling of youthful and hopeful energy within you. If there is a feeling of ecstasy, if there is a feeling of peace, if there is a feeling of empathy and inner power, then you are able to deal with crisis. Else, even a person of great ability becomes frozen and is unable to deal with crisis, The whole alchemy of spontaneous consciousness and spontaneous action resides in changing your idea of being fixed in concepts, moving beyond whatever thoughts have come to you, moving beyond our conditioned knowledge and relaxing into the greater reality.

The Relaxed State

      And this brings us to the second principle for facing tough times. Both Buddhism and Tantra teach us that the relaxed state, the state of 'vishranti' is the divine state. It is the road to the higher being. It is even the road to the supreme-most consciousness of God, whatever we may choose to call it. Buddhism does not use the word God as such, but the idea of expanding into that state of enlightenment of Nirvana comes about only through divine relaxation of vishranti.

      In Gautam Buddha's own life, he kept striving for enlightenment or Nirvana, but it is only when he could relax into his own being is when the magic happened. And that was his way! That's why you'd see in all depictions of Buddha - within the paintings, murals, and so on a complete sense of relaxed posture, relaxed demeanour, relaxed facial expression. It is simply a way of telling us that the body language of the relaxed person itself is so powerful; it creates peace within the environment, it creates peace within other people! And when a person is relaxed, there comes about a great inner strength. It is the strength of the blade of grass! In Buddhism, it is said that the mighty oak tree can break and be shattered by a powerful wind, but the blade of grass survives the wind. Why is that? Because the oak tree is not flexible enough! The blade of grass is flexible. And relaxation implies that. Relaxation means being flexible in our attitude.

      When you are flexible in your attitude, when you are still and calm in your attitude, and in a relaxed state, you are able to transform your being into an internalized strength. All unhappiness comes out of a state of non-relaxation. Most scholars of Buddhism and Tantra talk about joy and sorrow, happiness and unhappiness and so on. But essentially, at the essence in traditions such as Zen Buddhism and Tibetan Tantric Mahamudra, relaxation and non-relaxation are the criteria for fulfilment. So in Zen Buddhism, it is said that the archer who is non-relaxed while releasing the arrow can never truly become a great archer. Similarly, in Tantra, it is said that the person who does not meditate in a relaxed, calm state can never become a great meditator. So in all things, the principle of relaxation is the key; whether one is a warrior on the battlefield, or whether one is deep in meditation, or whether one is in a leadership role. And we can look at this principle very clearly in leadership roles.

      Tense leaders always create tenseness within people. And where there's tenseness, there occur more mistakes. The state of relaxedness means a state of openness, it means a state of quiet strength, and confidence. It does not mean assertiveness of aggressiveness. Too much aggressiveness, too much assertiveness is like fire - it can burn you; you yourself can get hurt! So don't make your way of functioning like the flame of fire, make it like the flow of water. This way of water is immensely dynamic. You see, water is so powerful that it can wear away the hardest substance. Yet, the flow of water is far more gentle than the flame of fire. Ultimately, water is more powerful because it can adapt to anything. If one is like water, one can move with greater dynamism into any situation!

      And dealing with different situations is at the heart of the matter. It is an ability to move beyond anxiety, move beyond fear, no matter what our circumstances are. See the problem as it is, and with the wholeness of the cosmic energy within you, solve the problem. When you are relaxed, you are joined to the greater cosmic energy. When you are not relaxed, you are separate from the cosmic energy; you function without clarity, you function as an individual, as an island. Relaxation means all the power of the universe is with you, because you are in a state of let-go. When you are in such a state, something greater enters you from the great cosmic energy. You move towards true inner awakening of your higher potentiality. This internalization of relaxation is very important for us; and particularly today, when everybody seems so tense!

      What is relaxation, in its spiritual essence? Relaxation means non-resistance. That is the golden truth. Be non-resistance to things. Everybody is arguing in the world today. How many people have you seen who are non-resistant? The truly strong people are those who are relaxed and open enough to be non-tense and non-resistant. They don't waste their energy in arguments all the time; in resisting what others are saying or doing. They assimilate all that, and yet they do what they need to do on their own. This principle is a universal principle. For example, in the martial arts, Bruce Lee demonstrated it very well. His martial art called Jeet Kune Do believed in the state of the warrior who is relaxed. Bruce Lee used to say that after achieving a certain level of skill, only that warrior who is able to be both spontaneous and relaxed within his own being is the one who becomes filled with a higher energy, and is able to perceive things with a clear mind. So doing, he becomes a a far greater and more effective warrior.

Freeing Yourself of Thoughts

      Tantra says: cleanse your mind of thought. Thoughts often create non-relaxation in us. Be born again, afresh, make every moment fresh. In the old Sanskrit, this state of internal resurrection is called Dvija: being born again, to become de-hypnotized from all your thoughts, to become de-hypnotized from all your conditioning. Then you function with great joy and great strength. And through that, you spontaneously move. towards a more successful life. Where there is strength and joy in combination, there is always greater hope to move past tough times, to heal yourself. These days, the principles of Yoga have become very important. But Yoga itself is not about relaxing at the bodily level or the psycho-spiritual level. It is about relaxing yourself to a degree where you are able to recreate yourself completely at all levels. This is the most essential thing!

      That brings us to the third principle. The third principle to deal with tough times is what, in Zen Buddhism, is called the beginner's mind. It means dealing with every situation as if you are a beginner! It means leaving your old mind behind, leaving the past behind, moving on in whatever situation you are faced with, with an attitude of freshness. That allows you to look at things afresh. The world in the twenty-first century is a very complex place. We are facing several unique crises that perhaps previous generations did not have to face. We need to leave the past behind. We need to look at more innovative ways of dealing with circumstances that seem challenging, But the only problem with human beings, fundamentally, is that we find it difficult to let go of old concepts. And Buddhism and Tantra are always telling us to move past old concepts.

      Buddhism and Tantra don't believe in any particular dogma. That makes them intensely dynamic spiritual paths, and makes them entirely different spiritual paths; because they are about creating a quality of youthfulness and freshness within yourself. These paths are not so much about the books of theology, about what the Buddha said and so on. They are about the state of being. And the state of being which these paths profess is to be in a psychological position of complete freshness. In that way, Buddhism and Tantra are all about psychology, which is why a great psychoanalyst like Carl Gustav Jung took interest in Buddhism and Tantra, particularly that of Tibet; because he realized that it is all about the psyche. The subject deals with the human psyche, telling us that the psyche should not be caught with what has transpired in the past.

      Sigmund Freud was obsessed with what has happened in our past, and through that he used to pinpoint how we can resolve our past in order to move towards a greater and better future. But Carl Gustav Jung amazingly looked to this Eastern wisdom and he said that the stranglehold of our past has kept us limited. In that way, he was as following his guru Sigmund Freud, but he took it one step further. He took it to the mystic dimension that it's easy for us to move past whatever has happened in the past by realizing our spiritual consciousness. We are pulsating with spiritual possibilities. But our only problem is that we keep clinging to what has happened in the past. Get rid of clinging to the past. Remind yourself to become calm in the moment, to relax, to be your natural self within your moment. Then do you move to your higher nature. Don't feel the pressure of the past. That is the surest way to find non-fulfilment, non-contentment. The real contentment is the ability to live through what you have been in the past.

      But to emerge new, that is the chrysalis of the caterpillar to the butterfly. That is transformation. And transformation is the key to Buddhism and Tantra. It is the ability to efface what you were and become something new. That means coming into the creative harmony of all of creation. You see, the universe is in a state of constant renewal. The pulsation of the divine is one of constant renewal. The way of nature is one of constant renewal. And our mind also needs to be in' that low. Our mind needs to be in a state of constant renewal. If we do that, then we are always ready to face new problems with a freshness and dynamism of being. So, this consciousness is the most important lesson we need to imbibe from Buddhist and Tantric spiritual philosophy. It is at the heart of it: living without the conditions of the old mind, moving beyond what we had thought to be wisdom, dealing with all our circumstances in life with a more illuminated, youthful, luminous, joyful state of consciousness.

      When you deal with things in a joyful state of consciousness, be sure that something good is going to come out of it; because something deeper is at work. Then you feel like you are acting with the completeness of your energy. The most important thing within crisis moments is to act with the completeness of your energy. Forget about old thoughts, drop them completely. Work with a purity and energy that feels like a rebirth of your soul. That is the esoteric meaning of moksha. That is what real resurrection means. And in the Buddhist tradition, even the example of Jesus of Nazareth is one of metaphor. The real resurrection of Jesus is a resurrection of consciousness. That is the understanding which Buddhism and Tantra bring to the whole episode of Jesus being crucified, coming back to life.

A Divine Drama

      All of life is like a play, says Tantra. It's like a drama. Enjoy the present moment in the drama. If the actor thinks about what has happened in the previous scene, or whether he's going to remember the lines in the next scene, he will get completely scared, hell get completely anxious, and he'll not be able to act in a proper manner in the scene that he is in. Just play the scene you have with all your energy, with a sense of calmness, collectedness, spontaneity. Then the actor is able to deal with that scene and do the best job in the moment, as the lines come to him. So, it is important for us to be full of this blissful energy; this vibration itself creates more successful living. Everything in our lives: our sense of work, our ethics in relationship, all come about through our essential consciousness. And Buddhism is concerned with essential consciousness. Tantra is concerned with getting rid of psychological burdens, mental burdens. It is all about inner purification, but in a non-moralistic, non-judgmental manner.

      The problem with institutionalised religions is that they are often very manipulative. But Tantra and Buddhism, in its purest essence, is all about life itself; the way we are able to look at life. If we look at it in the right manner, then we act with integrity. Free yourself from all limitations, free yourself from all structures and patterns of the past, deal with situations as they arise. This very idea needs to go deeper into you. Then you are able to act with an overflow of good vibration, an overflow of great energy and make everything valuable, worthwhile, joyful. Else, all of life is frustrating. You see, we are faced with one circumstance of the other; but it's the attitude with which we deal with the circumstance that is important. That is why Buddhism and Tantra are so important! They want you to be empowered within yourself, not through the ego. They want you to be empowered without the ego. And that implies strengthening yourself through your inner power of spontaneity, your inner power of freshness, your inner power of youthful and dynamic energy; because that really creates truly successful living.

Tantra is a Confluence

      The core teachings of effortless, spontaneous, and insightful living are common to both Indian and Tibetan Tantra. Tantra is therefore a confluence of spiritual cultures. The symbols are largely similar, with just outer differences. For example, in Tibetan Tantra the emphasis is more on the Buddhas, while in Indian Tantra it is on Shiva. Yet both emphasize Mahakali and Mahakaal (the goddess and Shiva). The wisdom goddesses are also similar: Kali of Indian Tantra is Palden Lhamo in Tibetan Tantra. Various feminine energies such as the Dasha Mahavidya goddesses of Indian Tantra find expression in slightly different forms in Tibetan Tantra (as do the feminine consorts, the yidams and dakinis). The idea of incantations (mantra) and sacred geometry depicting both cosmic truth and self-truth are expressed variously as yantras and mandalas. At the root of all these symbols are the teachings of self-realization and cosmic realization, helping us evolve spiritually and dynamizing all our actions.

      The seemingly wrathful/fierce yet inwardly compassionate deities are a hallmark of both Tibetan and Indian Tantra (karuna or compassion being the key principle). This idea of benevolent compassion is a key tantric spiritual value, creating a cooling effect on heart and mind. It runs through the core Sanskrit tantric texts (collectively called the 'Tantras') that form the backbone of both Indian and Tibetan mysticism. It is key to the deeper tantric meditations. It creates the joy of sharing one's highest energies with tremendous joy and grace! Filling each moment with the bliss of the divine is Tantra. These ideas are most apparent in the Tantra of ancient India, making their way to Tibet through the great Atisha's Kadampa lineage, as well as the ancient-most Tibetan tantric school of Nyingma, founded by Guru Padmasambhava. Key tantrics carried this value through their teachings in the old Indian monastery-universities of Somapura, Odantapuri, Vikramashila and Nalanda, onto Sumatra (which Atisha also visited), and climaxing in Tibet. The ideas of fire-like intensity and water-like cooling compassion find confluence in Tantra! All these teachings find their climax in making life more blissful, spontaneous, meditative, and fruitful.

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