Noble Silence Experience Through Tantra Sadhana

"I don't need anything. I don't seek anything, I don't desire anything." Milarepa

      Tantra and Buddhism say that our innermost nature is one of noble silence. Deep within us we have an inbuilt silence. It is reflective of that Space of silent, universal consciousness through which we were created; through which all things have a come about in the universe. Self-realization is a going back to the silence. It is to feel it and realize it within the depths of one's soul, within the depths of one's heart. Then you come to the real space of your own being; then you come to an inward stillness and true spiritual self-confidence. Leading to success. Leading to resolution of problems.

The word to describe the holy personalities of ancient India was Rishi-Muni. Muni means one whose power is vested in a silence transcending understanding. The concept of Noble Silence is key to Gautam Buddha's teaching and also in Tantra. You are made of stillness. Your nature is one of utter calmness. It is the waves on the sea that are boisterous, but at the depths is a dynamic silence. Silence implies silent strength. It does not imply weakness in any manner. It implies such a state of being which is absolutely calm, absolutely strong. One where all fears and all hesitations have disappeared from your life, and all that remains is a great song of bliss within you! Out of this bliss, you can act dynamically, you can act successfully.
Silence in Tantra

      The word to describe the holy personalities of ancient India was Rishi-Muni. Muni means one whose power is vested in a silence transcending understanding. The concept of Noble Silence is key to Gautam Buddha's teaching and also in Tantra. You are made of stillness. Your nature is one of utter calmness. It is the waves on the sea that are boisterous, but at the depths is a dynamic silence. Silence implies silent strength. It does not imply weakness in any manner. It implies such a state of being which is absolutely calm, absolutely strong. One where all fears and all hesitations have disappeared from your life, and all that remains is a great song of bliss within you! Out of this bliss, you can act dynamically, you can act successfully.

      Hence, this whole understanding is about a nourishing silence within you, which is reflective of the nature of eternity: Which is really what you are all about in essence, at a spiritual level.

      Don't let anything disturb your silent bliss within! That is the way to strengthen yourself spiritually. That gives the perfect tool to be able to counter all the circumstances that come into your life: any challenge that you are faced with, any achievement you want. This discipline of inner silence takes you towards a far more concerted and integrated energy than anything else. It is all a question of feeling the great joy of that utter calmness of being, which is your self-nature. Then you are grateful for whatever happens in life. Then you realize a truly meditative state of being. And this meditative state of being is one which cleanses you, purifies you, makes you act naturally. Makes you act without complexity. Makes you transcend your lower nature and move into your higher human nature.

      The highest human nature that of the Buddha's and the Bodhisattva's - reflects the state of silence. They have an aura of it, inward and outside themselves, and that touches everyone. That touches everything they do! Through that arises true charisma.

      Why is a Buddha so attractive, a Bodhisattva so attractive? It is this nature of silence which is deeply appealing, and which strikes a beautiful chord within people.

      Hence, the whole nature of truly successful living is one where you become absolutely meditative in your inner silence. And through that, you come to realize your deepest strengths, your dormant strengths. You transcend the outward anxieties and patterns which have governed your life so far. This is the real education of the Bodhisattva. This is the real lesson to be learned from them.

Wisdom Comes Through Silence

      Wisdom and knowledge are by-products of feeling the silence within. If you feel it, you have already made a very auspicious start on your spiritual journey. You are moving towards the door of the divine. You are moving toward a situation where your eyes are able to see a greater being. You are able to become a visionary. You are able to become far more conscious in your actions, and emerge victorious in all that you do. The true victor is not one who shouts the loudest - he is one who relishes the bliss of silent ecstasy. That is what you must move towards.

      This is a very foundational thing for success in life: success which cannot be enjoyed in a state of silence is not success at all! And the silent person can celebrate a victory of silence even in a circumstance where he may have failed, because failures and go but it is our state of being which needs to become successful.

      The subtlest form of energy is silence, the crudest form of energy is clam out and noise of the mind. Transcend it! Then you are reborn, then you become original. Then you are able to find the uniqueness of yourself, and realize the presence of your spiritual life far more deeply. All this implies a great ability to be able to look for wisdom in all you do. The search for wisdom is actually the search for an inner calmness, the search for an inner silence. That is the highest truth, that takes you towards a state of egolessness. Egolessness takes you to an expansion of your abilities infinitely because you move beyond your ordinary limitations, beyond all that has been holding you back so far! And you are able to take light into higher domains of self-realization and potential-realization.

      Usually, we keep ourselves limited! But realizing your self-nature to be of silence takes you to the hidden harmony of your higher nature. It takes you to the greater energy of yourself, and to the omnipotence of the divine. Then you realize yourself to be in a great state of inner celebration, a great state of inner ecstasy.

      Let your religion be silence. Tantra and esoteric Buddhism say the only real religion is one of inner silence. No other path is needed, no other deity is needed. No other mantras are needed. If you can achieve this much within yourself, truth fills you and energy fills you. Higher attainment begins to happen. You become filled with all that is nourishing in life.

      Empty yourself of mental noise; find yourself through silence. It takes you higher and higher into your self-nature. And so doing, your mind opens into a situation where it is able to be absolutely calm, absolutely dynamic, and successful.

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