Radha Vallabha Temple in Vrindavan

      Radha Vallabha Temple is another very popular temple in Vrindavan. Harivamsa Goswami, who started the Radha Vallabha sect, built this temple. This sect lays considerable emphasis on worshipping Radha. This temple is located quite close to the Banke Bihari Temple. There are different versions about the origin of the name Harivamsa. There are many who believe that his parents performed severe austerities and penance and prayed to Lord Hari Vishnu in order to have a child, so they named their son as Harivamsa (a descendant of Hari), when he was born. There are others who believe that he was the incarnation of the divine flute (Vamshi) of Lord Krishna, hence he is known as Harivamsa (Flute of Hari).

Aurangzeb destroyed this temple in 1670. A new temple was later built adjacent to the old one in 1972. The deity is now worshiped in the new temple.
Radha Vallabh Temple

      However, Aurangzeb destroyed this temple in 1670. A new temple was later built adjacent to the old one in 1972. The deity is now worshiped in the new temple.

      A salient feature of this temple is that there is no idol of Radha. A crown is kept instead, next to the black idol of Krishna. Another salient feature here is that, first the oblations are offered to the crown of Radha and then to the idol of Krishna. The other unusual feature of this temple is the blend of Hindu and Islamic influences on the architecture of the place. Though the temple construction was started by Sundara Das, he ran into financial problems. He approached the Moghal emperor, Akbar for monetary help. Emperor Akbar, known for his liberal views on religion, was more than willing to help Hindus. He played an active role in the construction of this temple. This could probably be the reason for the mix of Hindu and Moghal influences.

      I reached the temple in the evening. The temple has a very huge inner courtyard. Arches are built on all four sides of the inner courtyard. The courtyard also has the samadhi of Harivamsa Goswami. Hundreds of devotees had assembled in the courtyard. There was hardly any place to sit. Suddenly the doors of the altar opened and the devotees rushed towards the altar. The black idol of Krishna was placed on a silver throne. To the right, was the crown of Radha. There were about four or five steps that led me to the altar. At the top of the flight of steps, I saw a huge thick rope. This rope was connected to a fan inside the altar. Devotees pulled the rope to fan the idol of Lord Krishna.

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